Day 7, Week 2

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Phew! Well here it is. The final day of week 2!

I must admit, this week has been a tough slog, especially the past couple of days what with the heat and feeling a little less than 100%.Motivation has been wavering and it is a little bit of a worry.

As I said in yesterdays post, I am certainly not eating enough food considering my general lifestyle, which is about to go up a gear with the kids returning to school tomorrow, and the exercise that I am doing. On top of that and the sudden heat,I think that my period is due and I haven't had an anti-depressant tablet in around 4 days...NAUGHTY ME!!!!!

I will endeavor to sort myself out next week, remembering that eating too little is always a temporary solution. You'd think that after going on this same trip over and over again, I'd have learned the right directions by now! Old habits ( bad ones at that ) obviously die hard!

Food wise today was a bit of a mish mash and I felt really unorganized which was annoying.

Lunch was a tuna curry salad with chilli's. I snacked on a few rice crackers and had a chicken and spinach 'Lean Cuisine' risotto for dinner. I picked at a few small pieces of steak and cheese from Adrian's steak sandwich too.

Exercise. Well, I certainly made up for yesterdays minimal effort tonight.
All motivated afterwatching the first episode of 'The Biggest Loser' for the year, I managed, for the first time since beginning training again, a 20 minute straight run! YAY!!!!

So the programme was 5 minutes @ 6kph holding 3kg weights. 20 minutes @ 7.5kph. 10 minutes @ 6kph holding 3kg weights. 5 minutes @ 7.5kph then a 5 minute cool down @ 5kph with 3kg weights whilst doing 3 sets of 15 reps bicep curls and 2 sets 15 reps of shoulder presses.
Exhausting but rewarding.

I don't have a food or exercise photo to share today but I do have one that my little girl took for me in a make shift photo shoot that we had a play with today. A bit of Mummy,Daughter bonding which was lovely.

Well, I'm off to watch my fave TV show that has finally returned to the screen, hopefully get a good sleep and hope and pray that tomorrows results are kind!

Neen xo

Day 6, Week 2

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Coming to the close of week 2 and I feel like crap!

There are several contributors to this "crapness" I realised through my self analysis today.
Firstly,the sudden 35 degree weather was never going to be welcomed kindly by moi! Secondly, reviewing my past few days of food consumption and exercise, I have far from eaten a substantial amount to sustain my BMR let alone the exercise on top of that and, thirdly without getting too detailed, I administered the old self colon cleanse which kicked in with vigour today. And I wonder why I feel so shitty! Ha!!!!

Well, as you can assume by my little spiel, today was filled with a great deal of not much!

I managed to get the kids school books covered, made dinner for the family and, as much as I can't wait to get into Natasha's new Wii games, settled for a 2km walk,under the brilliant full harvest moonlight, with my dogs around the reserve that is directly opposite my home.


I ate a banana, a rice thin, 6 rice crackers and steamed vegetables with a light cheesy salmon mornay sauce. Not enough but, with the rejection rate of foodstuffs today, that was enough!

I intend to remedy the situation ASAP and get back to feeling alive again.

Eat well my friends!

Neen xo

Day 5, Week 2

Friday, January 29, 2010

End of day 5 week number 2 and all is well.

I woke up super early today in the hopes that I could reset the oldbody clock to be prepared for the kids starting school on Monday yet, here I am at 10.37 pm, wide awake and typing today's entry!
Well I had good intentions.

As I was so tired all day,it has been a pretty lazy one but I did have a few jobs like running poor little Finn to the doctors about his ear ache and finishing off some last minute errands for Mum's birthday. Besides that, I rested alot. So much so that, once again, I didn't feel that exercise would have been an option.

I was laying on my bed at around 5pm glancing between the TV and the treadmill and swelling with guilt.OK,OK, I hear you ! I'm getting on!

So,barefoot, tired and in a denim skirt, I walked @6.2kmph at an incline of 10 for 30 minutes.

Now let me just say, it may not have been a run but by golly was it a workout!
If my deriere isn't even a little firmer or more svelte after that, I'll eat a cupcake!!!!

It was then offto yet another evening of temptation(and no it wasn't out for Margharetas with the girls as was initially blogged as I had double booked) It was myMIL's67th birthday dinner.

Well the meal itself was very healthy. A chicken mignon ( from which I removed the skin), sweet potatoe, baked potatoe ( which I didn't eat), brocolli and green beans.All delicious and perfectly cooked.


No, the temptation came soon after. It wasn't the wine that I quite easily refrained from consuming.It wasn't even the birthday cake or ice cream with wild raspberry sauce.

Bernice brought a cheese platter with blue brie on it!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Now anyone that knows me knows that cheese platters ( especially when blue or swiss cheese is involved) are my greatest weakness. So yes. I ate some cheese with some water crackers and a lychee, but I had skipped all of the other sweet offerings!


I had, however allowed for such an exception by only having a stuffed mushroom, half a cup of tomatoe soup and 2 sour cream and cheese rice crackers for the rest of the day so I think, between a meagre food intake through the day and exercising after all, I may have scraped through on this one. I take comfort in knowing that, had it been Margharetas on the menu instead of a cheese platter, I would have well and truly blown today out of the water!!!

Well I guess we will see if my theory, however hopefull, pans out come Monday morning!

Neen xo

Day 4, Week 2

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another huge day today.

Paige went out with her Gran for the day so it was just me and my boys.

We started the day by doing the dreaded grocery shopping and running a few other errands around town. I managed to convince Bohdy and Finn that doing these jobs on foot would be better for all of us and, to my surprise, they obliged! I would have to say that we walked around for over an hour and a half by the time we were done!
Because they had been such good boys, I bought them books and DVD's and treated them to lunch at Donut King. Bohden had hot dog, iced coffe with loads of cream and a chocolate and cream eclair donut whilst Finn had a hot dog, banana milkshake and iced donut.
I sat with them and ate 2 rice thins! LOL.


After coming home and unpacking, I whipped around and did a bit of a tidy then finished decorating my Mother in law's birthday cake. I used raspberry jam, whipped cream and chocolate ganache and.......DIDN"T EVEN LICK ONE SPOON!!!!! Go me!!!!

Once that was done, it was down to school to pick up the boys books and then back to the supermarket for those few things that I religiously forget!

Dinner was a yummy stuffed field mushroom and a grilled piece of gummy flake with lemon juice, salt and pepper.


After the day I had put in, the last thing I felt like doing was more exercise however,I managed to rev myself up enough and hit the treadmill.I figured that 20 minutes was better than nothing but I totally surprised myself.

I ended up doing 5 minutes @ 8kmph,20 minutes uphill @6.2kmph and 20 minutes @ 7.5kmph!!!! 45 minutes all up...

I was soaked from head to toe by the time I was done so hit the shower immediately where I gave myself a mini facial and hair treatment. Now I am sitting here feeling amazing and accomplished! I still can't quite believe that I managed to do it!

I didn't eat nearly enough today and I will endeavor to fix that tomorrow however, right now, that dark chocolate Nestle diet dessert is calling my name!!!!

See you tomorrow all.

Neen xoxo

Day 3, Week 2

Here we areat day 3 of week 2 already!
This week is going a heck of a lot faster than the last.It may just be that school goes back and I have more commitments but I dunno!? The clock has certainly sped up!

Well today was excellent! After a flat day yesterday, I was full of beans and energy today and I am hoping that this trend is a continuing thing!

I baked for the first time in weeks ( and didn't even lick the spoon!) and started decorating my Mum in Law's cake which was fantastic plus I FINALLY managed to get on top of all of my washing! YAY!!!!

Food wise, I took it a little easy after my bigger day yesterday and opted for a spicy Tom Yum soup for lunch. Afternoon snack was 5-6 rice crackers with skinny hommus dip and dinner was steamed vegetables with a creamy (light) tuna mornay sauce! Delish!!!

After dinner and hanging the final load of washing for the day, my energy hadn't waned at all so, I decided it was time for a good workout!

I called Tasha and asked if she wanted to work out in her home gym. When she jumped at it,I was psyched!!!

So off I head to Tash's and hit the cross trainer 1st for 10 minutes followed by the bike for 10 then treadmill for 15 minutes ( 10 minutes @6.2kmph 5 minutes @8kmph).On to weights.
3 sets of 10 reps chest press, 3 sets 10 reps of lat pull downs and 3 sets 12 reps of bicep curls. It was then back to the treadmill for another 5 minutes @8kmph. Off the tready and onto floor work. 3 sets of 20 reps tummy crunches and 3 sets of 10 reps push ups. DONE!!!!

All in all, we figured it was an hour workout which went so fast doing it together.

We decided that this regime needs to be repeated a couple of times a weke so, on the days Tash hits the gym, I will do my own home workout and, on the days that she doesn't, it is off to Tash's home gym for more of the same!

I feel a little sore from the weights and I also feel fantastic! Now I need to try and settle in for a good nights rest in the hopes that the energy doesnt lull tomorrow!

Until then, have a good one, like I did!!!!

Neen xo

A fuzzy pic of me on the treadmill tonight care of Natasha's phone! LOL!!! RANDOM!!!

Day 2, Week 2

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well it seems that I may have chosen an extremely challenging alotment of time to start this 6 week challenge for myself!

Last week was drinks at the pub with friends, then BBQ with other old friends on Sunday, Australia Day BBQ with my bestie, her fella and kids today and I am supposed to join some girlfriends for a night out this coming Friday!
The universe is really testing my will!Thank goodness 'Biggest Loser' starts on Sunday to spur me on!!!!!

Today,however, will be the focus of this blog.

My family's Australia Day was spend with Natasha, Glenn, Ace-Riley and Jazz-McKenzie.

Tasha and I spent the majority of the day lazing around on my patriotically decorated front deck drinking white wine cocktails, whilst the blokes chugged on Glenn's 'Killer Home Brew' and the children ran a muck keeping themselves entertained with video games, DVD's, Scooters, drawing and general madness! In hindsight, I should have joined them for a run around and got rid of some of the wine I was drinking.

We all filled our bellies with the delicious smokey BBQ that Adrian had cooked on the 'Webber'along with a mango and avoccado garden salad and yummy (sinful) potatoe salad that I had prepared. I ate a very small piece of steak and both salads...Yummo!

After lunch, instead of having the nana nap that I so felt like having ( I think we all did!) Tasha and I decided to retreat from the heat and watch a movie together at which point we snacked on a few nibblies in the form of Sakata rice snacks. So far, so good!

By the time the movie was over ( and may I just add that it was WONDERFUL to watch a movie with my mate! Last time we did that was at the cinemas months ago!), Adrian had already began cooking the traditional Aussie lamb BBQ dinner.

Back inside we all came to feast again! This time it was a minted lamb rissole, a lamb sausage and both salads again.

With dinner done, the kids watching a flick,Adrian getting ready for bed and Glenn passed out,furiously clinging to his beer at the dinner table ( well, it is Australia day! Someone had to pass out!), Tasha got to organizing all her gear and packed it in the back of the car.

We then sat and night capped with a nice coffee and chat.

The Hurst-Smith clan set off home and I soon after crawled into bed to watch some TV before retiring for the evening.

I have to admit that I felt really flat and tired today and had my first 'fat day' in a while.
I couldn't have asked for better friends to share the day with though and I am so thankful to have the friendship that I have.

Looking at my food intake, I mostly made very sound choices and, besides not moving today, I feel that I did quite well. My only real regret for the day was not being able to show Ace-Riley the Southern Cross in the sky because it was too cloudy.

I am sure my little mate won't forget what Aunty Neen said she would show him and hold me to it! LOL

Happy Australia Day all!!!!!

Neen xo

Glenn passed out at the dinner table after a long, 'happy' Australia Day!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Up and at'em this morning for the dreaded weigh in and measurement day!

I woke up feeling "full" and, anyone who knows me understands what I mean by that. For those of you that don't, the nicest way to describe it, is that my digestive system and bowels are not a cooperative bunch! Probably due to years of laxative and suppositry abuse!

Anyways, pessimistic, on the scales I get.

Down 0.5kg's or 1.1lb! And, I have to say, I am quite happy with that!
I measured from top to toe and had a total loss of 7.9cm or 3.1 inches ( mostly off my boobs SURPRISE SURPRISE!)

Looking at the photo's, I can see no real change and, as I feel bloated and uncomfortable, I can't even really say that I am feeling it but I can't expect miracles in one week ( even if I was hopeful! LOL)

I am positive, still very motivated and feel fantastic that I am doing something towards bettering my own health!

I may, or may not post again this evening but for now, I will smile, enjoy the sunshine and put some healthy Australia Day ( Tomorrow, Tuesday 26th January ) BBQ ideas together!


Neen xo

Day 7, Week 1

Going to make this entry short and sweet as I am too buggered to elaborate quite frankly!
Had a very quiet day and ate stuff all really. Read some of my book and just enjoyed the kids being home.

I did 20 minutes of interval training on the treadmill ( 30 seconds @ 6kph then 30 seconds @ 12 kph)

Then went to Adrians brothers house for a BBQ to catch up with a close family friend that we haven't seen since 2005! I ate prawns,one egg white, a small piece of chicken and some salad and only drank water, diet coke and coffee.

My only downfall was the wasabi cheese but I didn't go too mad.
Dessert was fresh fruit ( watermelon, pear,kiwi fruit, blackberries and some grapes )

I'm shitting bricks about tomorrows measurements and weigh in but I suppose I have, all in all, been quite good!

Check in tomorrow with the results (fingers and toes all crossed right now)

Neen xo

Days 5&6, Week 1

Sunday, January 24, 2010

This has been an interesting couple of days! Challenges galore and the ole belly is sure feeling it!
Food wise yesterday,I was so well behaved and just a little sore after my great workout with Tash on Thursday night.
Anyway, as I said, I WAS doing well. That was until I had a friend, whom I haven't seen in several months, call me from the local pub and ask me out for a drink with a few of our mutual girlfriends. Seeing as I had no kids at home, they weren't scheduled to be home well after lunch the following day,and I hadn't had a messy night out in I can't remember how long, I decided that it wasn't such a bad idea.
So there I was down at the pub, insisting on a diet coke when there lands a Bundy rum right in front of me."Drink it up then!" says my friend."I'm only here for a few weeks so don't give me your diet crap." LOL! Unfortunately, the combination of peer group pressure,my fave drink and the fact that it would probably at least another 6 months before I get to do this again, meant that it was bottoms up for me! Woohoo. It was the first of what would be approximately 6 bottles of Bundy and Cola ( Oh. One of them was actually bourbon which my husband got for me. Even though I don't drink bourbon!)
There goes the healthy eating hey!? There I go blowing around 750 calories on booze!
Now I know that I said that I wasn't going to count calories, however, I decided to see how bad the damage was and what steps had to be taken today to rectify it at least somewhat! In total, I had consumed approximately 1400 calories for the day. Not too bad considering I am supposed to be on 1200 a day. A 200 calorie deficit was all that was really needed today in order to get things back on track.
I woke to a growling stomach that was craving a big feed up, as one does after a night on the booze, and decided to make a full cooked breakfast for the 3 adults still in the house.
Bacon, eggs,toast,tomatoes,mushroom,onion and baby spinach. YUMMO! I did it all sensibly, loading up mostly on the vegetables and making sure that my egg was poached and not fried.
As breakfast this morning was at around midday, I wasn't really hungry again until dinner time. Our neighbor, Sam, had been over most of the day enjoyng a relaxing afternoon with us on the front deck and suggested that we cook up some fresh fish that he had on the Webber for dinner! AWESOME!!! Healthy and delicious. So now, here I am at the end of day 6, Week 1, blogging about both today and Day 5, Week 1 , feeling worse than I could have felt, but proud that I managed to only consume around 700 calories today, giving me a total deficit of 500 calories which more than makes up for yesterdays crazy indescretions( In theory)! LOL. Just hope the tape measure agrees with me come Monday!
Wish me luck!

Neen xo

Day 4, Week 1

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another beautiful day greeted me this morning and I knew full well that if I stayed at home today that it would be another few days before I could get out so the decision was made to head out into the great outdoors again.
This could only mean that I have more energy an I did even a week ago because two day trips in a row would have been too much a few short days ago! YAY!

After a morning wake up call and cuppa with one of my friends, Paige and I got ready to head out strawberry picking. Besides the sun burning my UV resistant shoulders, and the grass being a little scratchy on my feet, it was such a fun, relaxing and DELICIOUSLY rewarding activity! I think we chose just the right time to harvest these shiny red gifts of nature too! They were soooo sweet and delectable! This coming from someone that doesn't particularly enjoy fruit of any kind!

After we had collected our strawberries, we decided to head to one of my,well no, my favorite cafe, "Baby Black Espresso Bar" for a spot of lunch.
Paige partook in a chicken and avocado foccacia whilst I settled for a fruit salad with yogurt ( pictured ) as, I must admit, there was very little on offer that remained withing my own healthy guidelines. Most of the food on offer was carb laden. Now, I am not dissing carbs yet wheat and I, unfortunately, do not have a favorable relationship! Bugger.

Like I said earlier, fruit is not really my cup of tea so I only had a few mouthsful before I pushed the bowl aside and enjoyed my skinny chai latte instead. In hindsight, I should have ordered an all day breakfast with grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach and a poached egg, hold the bacon and toast. Oh well. Next time.

I went home to make a potato salad and greek salad to accompany the BBQ that was planned for dinner, however, as I had bitten the bullet and decided to be Tash's gym partner for the evening, time was running out for tea as I didn't want to work out on a full stomach however, as you can see by the rest of my day, I had a very empty stomach and didn't want to work out like that either.

I sat all alone ( boo hoo, poor me.Haha) in the kitchen and had some salad and salmon for dinner, allowing 40 minutes before my workout.

Tash arrived punctually ( as she does, bless her soul) and we headed off for my first gym visit in about nine and a half months! It was tough! Tash put me through the paces of her own gym program which targets cardio, alot of upper body strength training and abdominal exercises. After about an hour of the hard slog, we congratulated ourselves on a job well done! It was great having a friend to work out with.I highly recommend it!

As I sit here in bed now after a fantastic shower, hair mask and full facial cleanse ( heaven) I feel accomplished and proud. I drank a ton of water today though didn't get one green tea in which I plan on remedying tomorrow in an iced form due to the forecast predicting 36 degrees Celsius (97 degrees Fahrenheit). Scheduled exercise is also not on my mind due to this fact. I have an even worse relationship with heat than I do wheat!

All in all, I had a great day and, thus far, a fantastic and self satisfying week.
Here's hoping that the tape measure indicates this come next week!

Neen xo

Day 3, Week 1

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today was a great day and the first day doing this that I had to make choices outside the home. Always a test! My fave Auntie in the world came over ( after I actually had breakfast! A chilled glass of strawberry So Good...delicious may I add) and we decided that it was such a gorgeous sunny day that staying in wasn't an option. Paige, Julie and I headed to Woodend ,on the outskirts of Victoria's beautiful Macedon Ranges for lunch.

As I know the area quite well, it was my choice of venue so I decided that the Brewhouse that I have played numerous gigs in was an optimum choice due to the scrummy food, great beer and gorgeous beer garden. Oh crap! I can't have a pale ale! Never mind, I thought, and off we went. To make matters more complicated,there was not just one, but three menus of choice on offer, all tempting me with amazing sounding dishes. In the end, however, and with great pride in myself, I ordered the sweet chilli and lamb salad (pictured above) with a diet coke. I must say that I wasn't disapointed! It was delectable!

The three of us walked around Woodend , browsing the gorgeous shops and being spoiled by my Auntie along the way! After an hour or so of simply walking, we stopped into an enchanting little bookshop/cafe for a skinny cappuccino and then it was of to Melton shopping centre as Paige wanted to " stuff". More spoiling, more walking around and then back home to chill for a while on the front deck, the sun shining, birds chirping and many laughs and a cuppa or two.

By the time Hubby got home accompanied by his apprentice, time was getting on and it was time for Julie to make the long treck back home to Kinglake however, this didn't end the front porch frivolity.An hour or two was spent laughing and carrying on with Adrian, Jamie and Paige which just flew and, before I knew it, it as after 9pm and no dinner had been eaten and no exercise had been done!AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

I decided to go for a walk to the shopping centre where I bought a sustagen and a banana. 2 birds with one stone!

So, there was no planned exercise today yet plenty of incidental activity ( I would chalk it up to about 1 1/2 hours walking ) and good food choices regardless of Eves apple staring at me at every turn!

I am proud, nourished and really tired but thankful for my loved ones and friends! Life is good!

Neen xo

Day 2, Week 1

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here I am at the wind up of day 2. Today was, well, unique!
It isn't every day that you get a phone call in the morning from your best mate telling you to get up now, get your gym clothes on and I'll see you in 15 minutes! "CLICK" as the reciever goes down.

So there I was, only 1 coffee down, standing in P.J's and sporting a bed head to match with last nights dreams still evaporating from my mind. I was in no state to be excersising at this silly hour of the morning, yet, by the harshness of rebound comments given for every excuse I had given, I figured that really, I had no choice.
Curse curse. Gym clothes on! Curse, curse.Hair done! Curse, curse. Water bottle at the ready! BITCH!!! DEODORANT applied!
"Gee. With friends like this, who needs enemies!" I thought!
Knock at the door.And there she was in all her glory...SMILING!!!! "OK she says, on the treadmill then!"

There I was at stupid o'clock slogging it out on the tready with "Tash the Tyrant" spurring me on and changing speeds as often as Paris Hilton changes boyfriends! It was then outside for some boxing with the focus mitts. I was focusing on her face thinking " I should just give her a ripper for doing this to me" but no. I kept my cool ( despite the 12 litres of sweat pouring off my brow). We finished with a sprint up the road and then Satans exercise, burpies. I collapsed into a heap, regained my composure and gave Tash,who was suddenly my best friend again, a big hug and kiss, thanking her for an awesome PT session.

Admittedly, after a half hour run/jog session on the treadmill last night, I am now feeling a little sore but still managed to take both of my dogs for a walk around the park this afternoon with my daughter.

I am feeling tired still, as I am trying to correct my body clock, but I am already feeling more confident than I was on Sunday having stuck to sensible eating, lots of water, plenty of green tea, fruit each day and exercising the way I have wanted to for so long now.

It is amazing what a little nudge, or in my case, huge kick up the arse, can do for ones state of mind.

I am just so blessed to have the support not only of my family but the best personal trainer on the planet. My bestie, Natasha.

Neen xo

A Bit Of Background

Monday, January 18, 2010

You know, I was thinking in bed last night, which is where I tend to do the majority of my thinking hence my terrible sleeping habits, that people are going to look at these images of me and say " She doesn't need to lose weight. Whats wrong with her?". That really gets on my goat I gotta say. My reality and struggle is real to me. I may only have a few kg's to lose and a bit of toning up to do but I feel so uncomfortable right now that I really need to do it.

I was always a chubby kid and, after my Mum and Dad divorced when I was 8, things didn't get much better.I have been through the ringer a little. At the hand of molestation, watching Mum get beaten regularly,being alone to raise my brother through a lot of our youth, mental abuse, abandonment, rape and being cheated on by the majority of my partners.I have suffered depression ( still on medication and probably will be for the rest of my life) along with an awful battle with first bulimia and then anorexia.

It was when I was anorexic that I found, amazingly enough, that I was pregnant with my 3rd child. Keeping my baby wasn't even a decision I could make at the time with rationale as all I could possibly think was " Im going to get fat". Isn't that just the most awful thing? But, and I am being nothing but open and honest here, and that is what I thought.My amazingly supportive husband had to make the ultimate decision and I am so glad that we had our beautiful baby boy in January of 2003. I still, to this day, believe that Finn saved my life . He is a true blessing.

In July of 2001, I underwent a lipectomy ( what some people call a tummy tuck ) and left the hospital weighing 44kg after having 1.5kg of excess skin removed from my abdomen. By December 2002, I weighed in a 92kg. I had put on 48kg in a little under 18 months.

The reason I am telling you all of this stuff is not because I feel sorry for myself or want sympathy because, believe me when I say, that is the very last thing I want. I am telling you so that you know, that I know what it is like to live on a diet and weight roller coaster. I know that people look at you differently and treat you differently at both ends of the spectrum. I know this because I have been at both ends. So please, before you judge someone, as some of you may have, be sure to find out who the person is behind the smile.

I have prepared a slide show of my up's and down's on the scales over the past 15 years so as you can see for yourself where I have been. Funnily enough, there are no photo's of meat my smallest because this is when, in my mind, I was bigger and uglier than ever.

Phew, now that's over with, shall we continue?

See you soon,

Neen xo

The Rollercoaster Video

Day 1,Week 1

So, this is it. The beginning.
I did what is required of me this morning when I arose ( too early mind you) and took my weight, measurements and my own HORRID before photos!

Well...Here Goes!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I am going to do this no matter what. This, at this point in time, seems to be the only way that I will start what I have promised myself to start.
Looking after my body and getting healthy and back into shape.
In the following weeks ( 6 or so), I am planning on losing at least 3kg and losing inches from, well, everywhere.
If you wish to follow me and leave comments ( nice please )or advice, please do not hesitate to do so.

I am hoping that making this journey public will be just the thing I need to whip my bum into gear!

Although I don't have anywhere near the same sort of courage as my best friend, Natasha Hurst who has been on a huge journey of her own and regularly posts full body images in nothing but her underwear (so brave and I am so in awe!), I will post some photos each week( in pants and singlet) and weigh, measurements and emotions related to this task at hand.

So, I guess this is it. Tomorrow is the beginning of my six weeks to comfort!

Neen xo
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