Day 4, Week 1

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another beautiful day greeted me this morning and I knew full well that if I stayed at home today that it would be another few days before I could get out so the decision was made to head out into the great outdoors again.
This could only mean that I have more energy an I did even a week ago because two day trips in a row would have been too much a few short days ago! YAY!

After a morning wake up call and cuppa with one of my friends, Paige and I got ready to head out strawberry picking. Besides the sun burning my UV resistant shoulders, and the grass being a little scratchy on my feet, it was such a fun, relaxing and DELICIOUSLY rewarding activity! I think we chose just the right time to harvest these shiny red gifts of nature too! They were soooo sweet and delectable! This coming from someone that doesn't particularly enjoy fruit of any kind!

After we had collected our strawberries, we decided to head to one of my,well no, my favorite cafe, "Baby Black Espresso Bar" for a spot of lunch.
Paige partook in a chicken and avocado foccacia whilst I settled for a fruit salad with yogurt ( pictured ) as, I must admit, there was very little on offer that remained withing my own healthy guidelines. Most of the food on offer was carb laden. Now, I am not dissing carbs yet wheat and I, unfortunately, do not have a favorable relationship! Bugger.

Like I said earlier, fruit is not really my cup of tea so I only had a few mouthsful before I pushed the bowl aside and enjoyed my skinny chai latte instead. In hindsight, I should have ordered an all day breakfast with grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach and a poached egg, hold the bacon and toast. Oh well. Next time.

I went home to make a potato salad and greek salad to accompany the BBQ that was planned for dinner, however, as I had bitten the bullet and decided to be Tash's gym partner for the evening, time was running out for tea as I didn't want to work out on a full stomach however, as you can see by the rest of my day, I had a very empty stomach and didn't want to work out like that either.

I sat all alone ( boo hoo, poor me.Haha) in the kitchen and had some salad and salmon for dinner, allowing 40 minutes before my workout.

Tash arrived punctually ( as she does, bless her soul) and we headed off for my first gym visit in about nine and a half months! It was tough! Tash put me through the paces of her own gym program which targets cardio, alot of upper body strength training and abdominal exercises. After about an hour of the hard slog, we congratulated ourselves on a job well done! It was great having a friend to work out with.I highly recommend it!

As I sit here in bed now after a fantastic shower, hair mask and full facial cleanse ( heaven) I feel accomplished and proud. I drank a ton of water today though didn't get one green tea in which I plan on remedying tomorrow in an iced form due to the forecast predicting 36 degrees Celsius (97 degrees Fahrenheit). Scheduled exercise is also not on my mind due to this fact. I have an even worse relationship with heat than I do wheat!

All in all, I had a great day and, thus far, a fantastic and self satisfying week.
Here's hoping that the tape measure indicates this come next week!

Neen xo


Natasha Hurst said...

Thankyou so much for being my Gym buddy tonight, I loved it and cant wait to work out together again soon. I am in awe of your push up ability. Well done on going out 2 days in a row, I know that is a major thing for you especially considering how buggered you have been. Well honey, be sure to stay cool tomorrow and I look forward to reading the next blog. I have every faith that the measuring tape is going to be kind, the scales on the other hand have a mind of their own bloody things! XOX Mwah, CK

Karli Baker said...

Well done to the both of you! I went out for tea and a lemon drizzle cake this afternoon and my tummy is not happy about it. So i too wish i had just had the tea. However i am trying to eat healthy, but the grey cold weather is making me want to eat unhealthy comfort food. `so it is taking all the strength in the world to try and eat healthy. But we are all strong women and can do it. Hope you don't die in the heat.

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