Day 3, Week 2

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Here we areat day 3 of week 2 already!
This week is going a heck of a lot faster than the last.It may just be that school goes back and I have more commitments but I dunno!? The clock has certainly sped up!

Well today was excellent! After a flat day yesterday, I was full of beans and energy today and I am hoping that this trend is a continuing thing!

I baked for the first time in weeks ( and didn't even lick the spoon!) and started decorating my Mum in Law's cake which was fantastic plus I FINALLY managed to get on top of all of my washing! YAY!!!!

Food wise, I took it a little easy after my bigger day yesterday and opted for a spicy Tom Yum soup for lunch. Afternoon snack was 5-6 rice crackers with skinny hommus dip and dinner was steamed vegetables with a creamy (light) tuna mornay sauce! Delish!!!

After dinner and hanging the final load of washing for the day, my energy hadn't waned at all so, I decided it was time for a good workout!

I called Tasha and asked if she wanted to work out in her home gym. When she jumped at it,I was psyched!!!

So off I head to Tash's and hit the cross trainer 1st for 10 minutes followed by the bike for 10 then treadmill for 15 minutes ( 10 minutes @6.2kmph 5 minutes @8kmph).On to weights.
3 sets of 10 reps chest press, 3 sets 10 reps of lat pull downs and 3 sets 12 reps of bicep curls. It was then back to the treadmill for another 5 minutes @8kmph. Off the tready and onto floor work. 3 sets of 20 reps tummy crunches and 3 sets of 10 reps push ups. DONE!!!!

All in all, we figured it was an hour workout which went so fast doing it together.

We decided that this regime needs to be repeated a couple of times a weke so, on the days Tash hits the gym, I will do my own home workout and, on the days that she doesn't, it is off to Tash's home gym for more of the same!

I feel a little sore from the weights and I also feel fantastic! Now I need to try and settle in for a good nights rest in the hopes that the energy doesnt lull tomorrow!

Until then, have a good one, like I did!!!!

Neen xo

A fuzzy pic of me on the treadmill tonight care of Natasha's phone! LOL!!! RANDOM!!!


Natasha Hurst said...

Thankyou so much for being the kick up the butt I needed tonight honey and I am really looking forward to more workouts. You know what stands out for more than than anything in the fuzzy picture? Your smile is beaming!! I am looking forward to seeing much more of that from you and so I am hoping you have an abundance of more days like to today coming your way. Mwah XOXO CK

Jhanine said...

Me too babe! Thankyou again for being my motivation and the best gym buddy ever! xoxo

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