Day 5, Week 2

Friday, January 29, 2010

End of day 5 week number 2 and all is well.

I woke up super early today in the hopes that I could reset the oldbody clock to be prepared for the kids starting school on Monday yet, here I am at 10.37 pm, wide awake and typing today's entry!
Well I had good intentions.

As I was so tired all day,it has been a pretty lazy one but I did have a few jobs like running poor little Finn to the doctors about his ear ache and finishing off some last minute errands for Mum's birthday. Besides that, I rested alot. So much so that, once again, I didn't feel that exercise would have been an option.

I was laying on my bed at around 5pm glancing between the TV and the treadmill and swelling with guilt.OK,OK, I hear you ! I'm getting on!

So,barefoot, tired and in a denim skirt, I walked @6.2kmph at an incline of 10 for 30 minutes.

Now let me just say, it may not have been a run but by golly was it a workout!
If my deriere isn't even a little firmer or more svelte after that, I'll eat a cupcake!!!!

It was then offto yet another evening of temptation(and no it wasn't out for Margharetas with the girls as was initially blogged as I had double booked) It was myMIL's67th birthday dinner.

Well the meal itself was very healthy. A chicken mignon ( from which I removed the skin), sweet potatoe, baked potatoe ( which I didn't eat), brocolli and green beans.All delicious and perfectly cooked.


No, the temptation came soon after. It wasn't the wine that I quite easily refrained from consuming.It wasn't even the birthday cake or ice cream with wild raspberry sauce.

Bernice brought a cheese platter with blue brie on it!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Now anyone that knows me knows that cheese platters ( especially when blue or swiss cheese is involved) are my greatest weakness. So yes. I ate some cheese with some water crackers and a lychee, but I had skipped all of the other sweet offerings!


I had, however allowed for such an exception by only having a stuffed mushroom, half a cup of tomatoe soup and 2 sour cream and cheese rice crackers for the rest of the day so I think, between a meagre food intake through the day and exercising after all, I may have scraped through on this one. I take comfort in knowing that, had it been Margharetas on the menu instead of a cheese platter, I would have well and truly blown today out of the water!!!

Well I guess we will see if my theory, however hopefull, pans out come Monday morning!

Neen xo


Natasha Hurst said...

Mouldy Cheese - ewwwww!!

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