Monday, January 25, 2010

Up and at'em this morning for the dreaded weigh in and measurement day!

I woke up feeling "full" and, anyone who knows me understands what I mean by that. For those of you that don't, the nicest way to describe it, is that my digestive system and bowels are not a cooperative bunch! Probably due to years of laxative and suppositry abuse!

Anyways, pessimistic, on the scales I get.

Down 0.5kg's or 1.1lb! And, I have to say, I am quite happy with that!
I measured from top to toe and had a total loss of 7.9cm or 3.1 inches ( mostly off my boobs SURPRISE SURPRISE!)

Looking at the photo's, I can see no real change and, as I feel bloated and uncomfortable, I can't even really say that I am feeling it but I can't expect miracles in one week ( even if I was hopeful! LOL)

I am positive, still very motivated and feel fantastic that I am doing something towards bettering my own health!

I may, or may not post again this evening but for now, I will smile, enjoy the sunshine and put some healthy Australia Day ( Tomorrow, Tuesday 26th January ) BBQ ideas together!


Neen xo
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