Last week was drinks at the pub with friends, then BBQ with other old friends on Sunday, Australia Day BBQ with my bestie, her fella and kids today and I am supposed to join some girlfriends for a night out this coming Friday!
The universe is really testing my will!Thank goodness 'Biggest Loser' starts on Sunday to spur me on!!!!!
Today,however, will be the focus of this blog.
My family's Australia Day was spend with Natasha, Glenn, Ace-Riley and Jazz-McKenzie.
Tasha and I spent the majority of the day lazing around on my patriotically decorated front deck drinking white wine cocktails, whilst the blokes chugged on Glenn's 'Killer Home Brew' and the children ran a muck keeping themselves entertained with video games, DVD's, Scooters, drawing and general madness! In hindsight, I should have joined them for a run around and got rid of some of the wine I was drinking.
We all filled our bellies with the delicious smokey BBQ that Adrian had cooked on the 'Webber'along with a mango and avoccado garden salad and yummy (sinful) potatoe salad that I had prepared. I ate a very small piece of steak and both salads...Yummo!
After lunch, instead of having the nana nap that I so felt like having ( I think we all did!) Tasha and I decided to retreat from the heat and watch a movie together at which point we snacked on a few nibblies in the form of Sakata rice snacks. So far, so good!
By the time the movie was over ( and may I just add that it was WONDERFUL to watch a movie with my mate! Last time we did that was at the cinemas months ago!), Adrian had already began cooking the traditional Aussie lamb BBQ dinner.
Back inside we all came to feast again! This time it was a minted lamb rissole, a lamb sausage and both salads again.
With dinner done, the kids watching a flick,Adrian getting ready for bed and Glenn passed out,furiously clinging to his beer at the dinner table ( well, it is Australia day! Someone had to pass out!), Tasha got to organizing all her gear and packed it in the back of the car.
We then sat and night capped with a nice coffee and chat.
The Hurst-Smith clan set off home and I soon after crawled into bed to watch some TV before retiring for the evening.
I have to admit that I felt really flat and tired today and had my first 'fat day' in a while.
I couldn't have asked for better friends to share the day with though and I am so thankful to have the friendship that I have.
Looking at my food intake, I mostly made very sound choices and, besides not moving today, I feel that I did quite well. My only real regret for the day was not being able to show Ace-Riley the Southern Cross in the sky because it was too cloudy.
I am sure my little mate won't forget what Aunty Neen said she would show him and hold me to it! LOL
Happy Australia Day all!!!!!
Neen xo
Glenn passed out at the dinner table after a long, 'happy' Australia Day!
Awesome blog honey, Thankyou so much for a wonderful day. LOL Love the photo - my workout for the day was getting him to and from the car phewy! Oh and you are so right Ace hasn't forgotten!
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