Day 3, Week 5

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today I felt extremely blahhhh.

It took me nearly 2 hours to finally drag my very sore gluteus maximus out of bed.

I immediately put on my walking shoes and headed on down to the shopping center.
This time I remembered to time myself instead of having to do more guess work at the end of the day. ( 50 minutes but I excluded 20 minutes as that was probably the time I did at browsing pace)

I had to buy some supplies for dinner, milk, cereal, you know...the usual!
Walking the aisles, I ended up with big fat hunger pangs yelling at me to eat.
I needed something and I needed it then.I decided to be brave and head back to the protein/health bar section and see what was on offer. A friend had told me that the Atkins nut bars were really good and, seeing as I am a sucker for peanuts, I decided to give it a go.
OMG!!!! It's like Snickers minus the chocolate! Absolutely delicious and I will be going back for another one of those!

I still however felt pretty crappy and, unfortunately that feeling was set to continue well in to the day.

I headed back home and via the net,caught up on an episode of Gray's Anatomy that I missed last night as well as a couple of episodes of The Biggest Loser which I had also missed.

Afterwards,I made myself a Musashi SLM protein shake with water and ice in my new shaker. It was surprisingly quite good!

Made lunches, made dinner, hung clothes, folded clothes and put clothes away then the kiddies got home from school.

Afternoon snacks were had including one for Mum! A Le Rice white chocolate and raspberry!

I got the kids sorted with showers and homework etc... and had a little chill before tea.

We sat down for dinner. Finn's favorite 'Taco's'. I made them with veal mince and had mine without the tortilla. It was OK but not the most satisfying.

After the dinner clean up and pet feeding duties, I did a 30 minute pilates session using my new pilates DVD and yoga mat. It was a nice, lower key change as I feel that, as well as under eating, I have also overtrained.

All the while I felt very drained and sluggish but after the pilates, I did feel a little boosted.

My stomach is really crampy, gassy and bloated tonight and I have been doing some research into caffeine enemas that you can do at home. They are widely used in asian health retreats and are supposed to be great clean out and de- tox. I f you knew my body, you would completely understand why I am seriously contemplating this option.

Anyway, I will let you know what I decide if and when I do.

Hope you all had a lovely day.

Neen xo


Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you

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