Day 4, Week 5

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today was a little slow going but pretty relaxed .I did find myself getting a little bored though which was crap
After a breakfast of my protein shake ( YES! I HAD BREAKFAST!) I went for a walk to the shops and, upon my return home did a little reading and cake decoration preparation.
I made some nice healthy lunches for the kids and spent the rest of the day doing a whole lot of nothing.
I had some yummy prawns for lunch followed by a banana for an afternoon snack.

I picked the boys up from school and got them all organised for tomorrow when we got back.

I decided to jump on the treadmill and try to run an entire 4km straight to see what time I would get and give me an indication of what I want to aim for come the Mothers Day Classic.

I did a warm up for 5 minutes at 5kph and ran at 7.5kph for a further 4 km ( 33 minutes!)

I am happy to have a number that I can improve on now. It was exhausting but elating at the same time and my strained ankle held up pretty well ( I get regular tendon strain in my feet and ankles)

At the end of the day (after having a much needed chat, coffee and laugh with my Tasha who was lovely enough to take my little girl to her Zumba fitness class!), I realised that, after a chuppa chupps lollypop, I had only 57 calories on my chart!

I wasn't hungry at all but knew I had to eat so had a bowl of rice bubbles with spleanda and skim milk.
Not the greatest choice but better than nothing.

Well thats about it for now.Hope I didn't bore you as much as I bored myself today! LOL

Neen xo


Natasha Hurst said...

It was my pleasure to take Paige with me honey. Great effort on the 4km run, I am in awe of your athletic ability! You are awesome!! Loved catching up, it felt like it had been ages again, I was starting to get ratty! Love ya lots chook. Mwah XOXO CK!

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