Weigh In & Measure Day 1 Week 6

Monday, February 15, 2010

OK. So it isn't quite as grim as last week yet I still have to make some big changes this week. Looking at all of my progress pictures, which I am posting here today, I find that my body shape has changed considerably over the past few years. I am officially a pear shape and, I gotta say, it sucks! I can tell this as my waist seems to have shrunk but my thighs and love handles are having a very hard time catching up.
I will endeavour to eat more good food this week and do a bit more fat burning exercise rather than my extreme cardio and see what difference this makes as I am still up 0.8kg on my start weight, however, I can now see some more tone and definition especially around my shoulders, back and arms. My legs, although not smaller, are definitely firmer than what they were. The only measurement that has me baffled this week is my hips. That is probably where I am storing any fat that my body can grab I am assuming.
Anyway, here are the pictures and I will blog again this evening.


Have a great day.
Neen xo


James Baker said...

A woman should have a woman's shape, and that means all the right curves and that means a proper woman's hips. Be proud of them, for they are beautiful.

Jhanine said...

Awww. Thankyou sooooo much James! You are the sweetest! xo

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