Day 2, Week 3

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Somehow, after last night,blogging isn't feeling quite the same as it did. I feel almost bad doing this because should it really matter?

I mean, to me,personally, this means something but I feel that I am now, finally, in the right frame of mind to be embarking on this change of lifestyle but, let me tell you it took years of yo-yo dieting and depression and self destruction to get the message but I know so many people, including someone I am extremely close to and love dearly, are not in the same space but, rather, a dangerous and self destructive black hole.

Today I am well, I ate sensibly and balanced and did 45 minutes on Wii fitness coach.

That is all.

Neen xo


Natasha Hurst said...

Good to hear you are in a good place at the moment babe. XOXO

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