Day 4, Week 6

Thursday, February 25, 2010

OK. Today existed and I am on the mend.
I had to get up and take a trip to Melton to pick up some supplies for the million cake orders that I have coming up over the next few weeks and popped in to buy myself a pedometer which turned into a Jonas Brothers T-Shirt for my little girl instead.
I came home and baked 4 cakes in total and got into some decorating.
I had a So Good Berry Vive Lite for breakfast and then hung out some washing.
I did some business book work that had to be done ( close orders, new orders, balance updates, receipts and quotes etc...) and made kids lunches plus got out some clothes for tomorrow's casual clothes day at school.
I did a small grocery shop and picked up the boys from school.
Paige made dinner tonight out of a magazine that I bought today. It was a mexican chicken dish and I had a very minimal serving after yesterdays madness.
My tooth is killing me and I keep forgetting to take my anti biotics but have learned that, in order to actually get anything done whilst I am going through this crap, I have to lower my pain killer threshold to crappy ibuprofen so it hurts alot more but I have commitments that need to be fulfilled.
It has also meant that I could stand up a little longer tonight and decided to do a mini workout. The 1st for this week mind you!
I managed 20 minutes at an incline of 6 at 6kph. That was plenty as my body told me that if I didn't stop that it would stop for me!
So, slowly catching up again and, with any luck, this time next week I will be back in full force.

Neen xo


James Baker said...

Sorry to hear about your tooth. I've been through dentist hell in the past (abcess and root canals) so I completely sympathise. Don't worry, it will end.

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