Day 7, Week 5

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here we are again. the last day of the week.

I can't say that this one has been easy.

As a matter of fact, it has been the most difficult yet.

As you may have read yesterday, I quit smoking on day 4 of this week and today was just shocking!

For the 1st half of the day, all I wanted to do was light up. I was nervous and stressed out but most of all I was anxious and I hate that feeling. I was in tears on my bed and next thing I know, I was waking up after a 2 and a half hour snooze. It was exactly what the doctor ordered!

The rest of the day still wasn't great but it was a lot more easy to cope with than the 1st half.

Of course, I have had the fear all along about gaining weight which is one of the reasons that I hadn't even considered quitting before.

I have been extremely mindful of this issue but I could eat and eat and eat every time I crave a ciggie!

I cut up some celery sticks and have them stored in the fridge for a quick fix with some yummy light dip when I need it which is exactly what I reached for this afternoon.

I did have breakfast but because my appetite has changed so much and I am craving sweets more than ever, I was a little naughty and ate a diet chocolate dessert for breaky instead of anything nutritious!

Come dinner time, I was really feeling like red meat which is another thing that I rarely want to eat.

I made steak and grilled mushrooms, tomato, onion and spinach. It was delicious.

As hard as it has been working out due to serious chest congestion, I jumped on the treadmill and figured that I would do what I could manage as it was better than nothing.

I ended up doing a 5 minute uphill @ 5kph warm up then a 30 minute jog @7.5kph and a 5 minute cool down @5kph uphill also!
I was pretty happy with myself.

This time of night is always a bit difficult as, once the kids have gone to bed, I will generally treat myself ( TREAT! PFFT!!!) to an indoors cigarette with my bedroom door closed so I stock up with my inhaler, lollipop, coffee and bottle of water plus I keep the bedroom door open.

The other big step I took today was giving Adrian the rest of my smokes that had been sitting in my wardrobe since Thursday so now, when Adrian is at work, there are no cigarettes in my house!

Well, I am hoping with everything crossed that tomorrow is better than today because I have a big caking week ahead. I am also very interested to see what my tape measure has to say because i don't think that the scales are going to be nice. I'm bloody constipated AGAIN and haven't done an 'evacuation' which always wreaks havoc with my true weight reading.

1st day of the final week of the cupcake hangover tomorrow! WOW!

Wish me luck!

Neen xo


Natasha Hurst said...

Have I told you how PROUD I am of you, because seriously honey, you are doing an exceptional job of staying tough. Well done on giving away that temptation too that is an enormous leap forward. If the scales aren't kind tomorrow shit happens. I know that you had a certain goal in mind for the end of your 6 weeks but when it all comes down to it, this is a lifelong journey and so really there is no time limits. Each day we are learning to be kinder to ourselves in someway and so that alone is enough of a prize. I will try to pop in at some point tomorrow honey even if it is just to give you a big cuddle, because I miss ya! Love you lots babe and again WELL DONE!! Mwah XOXO

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