Day 7, Week 4

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Time sure flies when you are shaping up!

I remember on day one of this journey thinking, this is going to feel like forever. How wrong was I?
Where has the time even gone? I am about to embark on week 5 already!

It has been a week of ups and downs and I can't say that I am sad about saying goodbye to week 4.

I did have a really lovely day today though. I have been promising my little man that I would take him to see a movie, just him and I, for a while now and today was the day.

We had a rather lazy morning and then got ready to go,getting petrol, dropping the older kiddies off with their Gran and Pa and then we hit the road.

We grabbed our tickets 1st and then headed into the shopping centre as I had been sucked in to buying him a new Bionicle.

I was a little bit hungry so I went to a juice bar and got an egg nog smoothie. It was delicious but really cold and me and cold food and drinks don't get along all that well so it was slow going but yummo!

Into Kmart for the promised toy. I thought we may just pop into the sports section of the store before we left. It was there that I found by brand new heart rate monitor watch and chest belt! YAY! It's so cool and accurate...HOORAY!


It was then in to the movie's but not before hitting the scary cinema candy bar. Now,anyone that knows my youngest son,knows that he is a severe sugar addict and, with free choice at the counter,I already knew this wasn't going to be good!

He ordered a large buttered popcorn, a large Pepsi Max and a Large packet of Maltesers.


Anyway, in we went and watched 'Percy and The Lightning Thief'. Although I was extremely impressed with my Son's knowledge of mythical Gods, Goddesses and creatures, I can't say the same about the content of the film. Anybody that has seen any of the Harry Potter films will probably spend the entire hour and a half chortling at the obvious similarities between the character ans story structure! It was light hearted entertainment all the same and, most importantly, my son loved it! I managed to eat a few hands full of popcorn an 10 Maltesers washed down with some Pepsi Max.Great effort of control I must say!

Home to roost and it was go, go, go getting lunches, uniforms and dinner ready whilst I threw all of the kids through the shower. Dinner for me was a bowl of tomato soup and an egg white omelet with ham cheese and tomato which was delicious.

Biggest Loser time and then I did a 20 minute weights workout before it was relax time.

All in all,I had a lovely day and,although I fell under my calorie intake again, it was more so because I indulged in some high calorie foods and was perhaps a little over cautious with the amount that I had. Not such a bad habit I would think.

Anyway, tomorrow is weigh and measure day and the start of what I am hoping will be a more sensible and upbeat week!

Night all.

Neen xo


Natasha Hurst said...

Sounds like a lovely day honey and yummmmm popcorn. Awesome watch. Make sure you get those calories up tomorrow hey as you will burn off a shitload doing the boxing and will need lots of energy. I watched loser tonight too and was thinking of you. Have a good rest babe. XOXO CK!

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