Day 2, Week 5

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well I almost didn't make it here tonight.
I am so tired, and, checking my calorie intake for the day, I am not overly surprised. I missed breakfast, which is quite normal for me, but I had lunch and dinner and snacks and still fell well below my recommended intake. Like over 900 calories short!!!!!

I had a wonderful day though.

Tasha popped in with Jazz and I thought that it would be a nice idea to head for a walk down to the main street as I wanted to start searching for some running shoes in preparation for the annual
"Mothers Day Classic" which I will be participating in on Sunday May 9th.

After finding a great pair of shoes at an even greater price, we headed to a local bakery ( DANGER WIL ROBINSON!) for a coffee and a chat. We were joined by Tash's Mum and our gorgeous friend Sarah. It was so lovely just having a girlie morning/afternoon!

Sarah, Tash, Jazz and i then walked to the Op Shop ( Yes...AGAIN!) where we grabbed a bargain or two and then headed to the supermarket for a few supplies.

We said goodbye to Sarah and Tash, Jazz and I walked back to my place for some lunch ( Last nights chicken and a salad) and a cold drink.

Before we knew it, it was time for Tash to pick her big boy up from school so I decided to join her for the walk even though I didn't have to collect my children.

It was then a walk back to mine for a cuppa and more chatting before Tash decided that it was time she got home and prepared dinner for her family.

After she left, I headed around to my brothers house for a play with my nephew on the Playstation ( which he quickly realised his Auntie Neen is hopeless at!) and to drop some clothes off to my baby brother ( by baby I mean that he is actually 31 but he is still my baby brother!).

I headed back home, picked up my beautiful hubby, and headed to my in laws for our traditional Tuesday night family dinner.

Apricot chicken, broccoli, sweet potatoe ( that I didn't eat), asparagus and mashed potato was on the menu. I didn't quite get through it all but it was very nice.

After dinner, I played the Wii with Paige for a little while, had a cuppa and chat and then headed home.

When I got home I did another half an hour of walking uphill on the treadmill and felt sweaty and slightly weak afterwards. At this rate there will be no running for me without me passing out!

So, I will try harder tomorrow and hope that I can get as satisfying a result food wise as the company and good times result was today!

Neen xo


Natasha Hurst said...

Glad you blogged babe!! Thank you so much for a wonderful day and I am so excited about training ready for the big day. Please make sure you get more in tomorrow OK you have some runners to pay off remember! I love ya babe. Mwah XOXO

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