Day 3,Week 4

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today was a positive one thank goodness.

I didn't actually do a great deal but I think that is exactly what I needed after my huge weekend and a busy social day yesterday.

Tasha and her little man, Ace-Riley popped in for a cuppa and a chat this morning which is always lovely and I was treated to a private performance of some of Tash's music accompanied, at times, by Ace-Riley on the ukulele! It was gorgeous and made me realise how much I have missed sitting down with my bestie for a whole day of music. Must do something about that soon.

After they headed off, I went to the shops for a few supplies and ducked in to the op shop, a regular occurrence for me, to see if they had anything good on offer. I am now the proud owner of 2 pairs of bathers! WOOHOO! Looks like swimming is definately on the cards as a workout option now. I enjoyed it so much yesterday that I think I will have to grab some goggles and ear plugs so that I can make it a more regular thing! ( I can hear Tash jumping for joy from here! LOL!)

I was just about to leave with my new purchases when the heavens opened up and dumped 6 months worth of rain on our dry little town! It was amazing!

I rushed home and turned into a regular Noah, piling the animals, two by two, into the comfort and safety of the house. Dogs in the lounge room, cats on the couch and rabbits in the bath! HAHA.

I got in a quick lunch, banana, no sugar ice cream, low joule chocolate topping and a sprinkling of crushed peanuts! Healthy banana split. It was delicious!

The job of collecting the children from school was a dangerous mission. The lighting stormwas directly above the school when I arrived so my darling Mum, a teacher at the school, loaded me and the boys into the staff room whilst we waited for Paige's delayed bus.

Home safe and, after the usual mad hor,it was dinner time. I had a chicken breast with salad which was OK. I am not the biggest chicken fan.

I decided to give interval training a go tonight on the treadmill as I had written up and laminated a few interval programmes earlier in the day.I must say that it went so quickly as I was concentrating on how much time at what speed and incline the entire workout ( Natasha had told me that that was the case with interval training and she was spot on!)

I did 40 minutes and, dripping with sweat, headed to the shower to freshen up. I felt, and still feel great!

Heres hoping that the positive trend continues!

Neen xo
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