Day 5, Week 3

Friday, February 5, 2010

A highly non eventful day today.

Mostly due to being up until 1am after last nights little soiree! LOL.

There were, however, 2 upsides to getting to bed so late.

Number one, I went straight to sleep and number 2,well, it was totally worth it as it made all of us feel great. Especially Natasha and Glen who were both in need of a boost.

After getting the kids off to school, I went a grabbed a few bits and pieces down at the shops and came home. My next door neighbor popped in for a cuppa and a chat and, not long after that, my Mum and Grandfather popped in also.

After they all left, about an hour later, I basically slothed on the couch, worked on my music website and indulged in the B grade midday movie whilst I ate a highly nutritious lunch (NOT) of Honey Wheats.
It was actually a really nice relaxing day.

Paige was home first and we did a bit of homework and then the boys arrived home from tennis followed closely by Adrian who busted me indulging in my new secret little YouTube fetish of UFC ( Ultimate Fighting Championship )! Totally disturbing yet I can't stop watching it! Crazy people!

I couldn't be bothered cooking and the kids hadn't had take away for a while so I asked Adrian what he thought about junk for dinner. That was like asking Aussie farmers if they would like more rain!

KFC it was for the family ( of which I had a few spoons of potatoe and gravy, coleslaw and a few chips ) and I finally fulfilled my craving and had a yummy banana and strawberry smoothie for tea.

I could have layed down after that and slept however, I knew that I would feel super shitty if I didn't work out seeing as I missed out yesterday and this weekend isnt looking too promising.

The thought of monotonous running, feeling as drained as I was, was totally disheartening so I asked Tash how she felt about doing a Wii training session to which she agreed.

It was over to my besties place for a 45 minute high/low cardio workout that neither of us were jumping out of our skin to do.

15 minutes into it, both of us were completely unenthused and struggliing with the thought of another half an hour at that pace however, after the 15 minute mark, things just seemed to get that bit easier and we both pushed through to complete the entire 45 minutes ( minus a few lunges at the end for me when my knees decided that they no longer wanted to cooperate)

Im bloody exhausted but wrapped that I got the workout in and that Tasha was by my side to encourage me to push through the pain barrier and get the job done.

Well, I should head off for some rest now as I have a BIG weekend ahead. Whittlesea tomorrow and the Black Saturday Memorial Service in Kinglake on Sunday. Please spare a thought for all that was lost and all of those affected by the fires of February 7th in 2009.

Hoping to get to the computer for an update tomorrow.

Night all.

Neen xo


Anonymous said...

Hope your weekend doesn't take too much out of you. Life is full of choices and often we choose to let lose, but stay strong you will love yaself more for it in the end!!!

Jhanine said...

Thankyou so much!

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