Day 5, Week 4

Friday, February 12, 2010

Phew. What a day!

The day was busy but fulfilling.

My sis popped in for a coffee after I got the kids off to school and, after needing a little breathing room from my family lately, it was nice to catch up and hear all of her news especially that my nephew is loving kinder this year after a nightmare of a false start last year. I can't express how happy I am that he is doing well and enjoying it. It was most likely that news that set the pace for the entire day.

After my sister left, I had to head down the street for some ingredients. Yes, it was cupcake time. My Mum had asked me to make some for our family that are visiting from the New York.
Do you have any idea how scary it is making cupcakes for people from the cupcake capital of the world? AARRGGHHH!!!!

Well,this was going to be a real test. Have you ever smelled a batch of cupcakes straight out of the oven? OMG!!!! So hard to resist.

Anyway, down to the shops I went and, while I was there I popped in to the Op shop (AGAIN!) where I met up with Tash and Glenn which was a lovely surprise.
I got myself a few bargains,2California hand rolls for lunch (YUMMY) and headed home to bake.
36 chocolate cupcakes and 36 strawberry cupcakes later the oven was turned off.I made a vanilla butter cream for the chocolate cuppies and put chocolate flakes and tiny teddies on them and made a strawberry yogurt butter cream for the strawberry ones and topped them with mini marshmallows and edible glitter. They were gorgeous.

In between all of this I stripped beds, swept floors and scrubbed my bathroom.

The kids got home and played for a while before it was time to head out for dinner.

We arrived at Mum and Dad's to find yummy food and wine on offer. I opted for a cup of coffee but did partake in a few pieces of cheese with hommus and a piece of kabana.

Ashley, Maisie and Merridee ( our U.S family) arrived and with her, Ash brought an amazing warm brie and artichoke dip. I couldn't resist! It was so yummy. I have to say though that I didn't go overboard and kept the dipping biscuits (CARBS!) to a minimum. Dinner was served.Mum had made a gorgeous casserole with mashed potato, peas and sweet potato with which I had a white wine spritzer ( half white wine half soda water)

I would say that I ate about 2 mouthsful and I was done! I kept my actual hunger in check rather than my emotional hunger and, I was full! YAY! I was so proud of myself. The old me would have just eaten it because it was in front of me but I didn't and it feels amazing to have the control.

After dinner, my cupcakes and a cheese and fruit platter were served with coffee.I was offered another wine but politely declined.

I had a little of the cheese with some nectarine but, once again, didn't go mad.

So, did I have a cupcake you ask? NOT ONE!!!!!!! I think it is the first time I have ever baked without eating at least one of my cakes. GO ME!!!!

Ash then gave all of us ( All 13 of us) I love NY T-Shirts as gifts ( Paige was ecstatic as she has a gross obsession with anything American) The whole family stripped off the tops they had on and put their new tops on. Ash had more so she put one on herself, one on Maisie and even Nanna Bern had one on. The only one missing was little Meridie who, at only 5 months old and still jet lagged, was having a much needed snooze.

We took photos of all of us ( which I hope to post at a later date) in our very colorful outfits and it was so much fun. It looked hilarious 16 people running around wearing multi colored matching T-shirts! If someone had come to the door at that point we would have looked like loonies! LOL.

Time to head home and, after putting the kids to be, it was time to settle down for the night. I felt OK. I had eaten well, took my vitamins and done a bit of running around but the day was still missing a conscious workout.

Everyone was asleep so I didn't want to turn the treadmill on. I know! Weights!

Out came the dumbell's and I put together a quick programme. It went as follows:

  • 15 x Bicep Curls @ 5kg's - 2 Sets
  • 15 x Single Arm Rows @ 1.5kg's then 3kg's - 2 Sets
  • 15 x Seated Shoulder Press @ 3kg's - 2 Sets
  • 15 x French Press @ 3kg's - 2 Sets
  • 15 x Flat Chest Flies @ 3kg's - 2 Sets
  • 20 x Crunches - 2 Sets
  • 20 x Donkey Kicks ( each leg ) - 2 Sets
  • 30 secons Ultra Low Plank - 2 Sets
After doing that, I felt so much better and it inspired me to o more free weight work which I have been meaning to get into but, as yet, haven't.

Anyway, thats the epic tale that was day 5 of week 4.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Neen xo


Natasha Hurst said...

Cant wait to see that photo and awesome work on the control - well done you. It was a wonderful suprise for me seeing you in the opshop today and cant wait for our next cuppa. Mwah XOXO CK!

James Baker said...

I am impressed with your self control. With all of those goodies on offer, I would have made a right pig of myself! Thanks for the blog Neen, I enjoy reading it. Love, James.

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